My first Arduion test: 10 LEDs running light
Check this out:
That my first proper Arduino test, controlling a 10 LED running light. I attached a small button via interrupt as well to start & stop the light. More to come soon, stay tuned!
Here the (very,very ugly) source code:
int ledPin = 3; // First LED connected to digital pin 13
volatile int stop = LOW;
void setup()
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pinMode(ledPin + i, OUTPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, stopit, RISING); //Button attached to Pin 2
int i = 0;
void loop()
for( i = 0; i < 7 && !stop; i++) {
blink(ledPin + i);
for( i; i >= 1 && !stop; i–) {
blink(ledPin + i);
for( i = 0; i < 10 && !stop; i++) {
blink(ledPin + i);
for( i; i >= 3 && !stop; i–) {
blink(ledPin + i);
for( i; i < 10 && !stop; i++) {
blink(ledPin + i);
for( i = 9; i >= 1 && !stop; i–) {
blink(ledPin + i);
void stopit()
stop = !stop;
void blink( int pin ) {
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
delay(120 - abs( pin - 8 ) * 20);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);